Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-52    



Associazione Tecnici Italiani dell'Ambiente;Federambiente
Results: 1-25/52

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Holdings: 1990-1995;
Lacunae: 1990-1991;1995;
Last update holding 2024

Piazza Cittadella, 10 24129 Bergamo , tel. 035 286038 , fax. 035 286019
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Holdings: 2004-2006.
Lacunae: 2005;2006.
Call number: Per.771
Last update holding 2024

Via P.Gobetti, 101 40129 Bologna , tel. 051/6398026-8123-8034 , fax. 051/6398130
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Holdings: 1999;
Last update holding 2024

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Il patrimonio della Biblioteca è conservato in un magazzino esterno, pertanto il materiale sarà disponibile in consultazione, previo accordi, dopo almeno 24 ore dalla richiesta che vi chiediamo di inoltrare per e-mail a:
Holdings: 1988-2006.
Lacunae: 1992;
Call number: B 21/6
Last update holding 2024

V.le A. Moro, 32 40127 Bologna , tel. 051.5275047 , fax. 051.515288
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Holdings: 1987-2006.
Call number: P T. 1 GEA
Last update holding 2023

Via Vittime Civili di guerra, 5 47921 Rimini , tel. 0541 434184 , fax. 051 2086319
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Holdings: 1986-2006. Issues received
Call number: 641/06
Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1987-2004; Issues received
Lacunae: 1987-1988;1999;2001;
Call number: R 0528
Notes: "PROGETTO RECUPERO PREGRESSO": in "FASCICOLI RICEVUTI" è possibile consultare il dettaglio dei fascicoli ricevuti o smarriti per tutte le annate possedute."
Last update holding 2024

Viale del Risorgimento, 2 40136 Bologna , tel. 051.2093744; 051.2093868
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Library closed from 01/11/2024 to 03/11/2024.
Document Delivery suspended from 01/11/2024 to 03/11/2024
Holdings: 1986-1994;1997-2001; Issues received
Lacunae: 2001;
Call number: DIENCA C06C
Notes: Proviene da Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Energetica Nucleare e del Controllo Ambientale (DIENCA);
Last update holding 2024

Viale Risorgimento 4 40136 Bologna , tel. 051 2093132 , fax. 051 2093156
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Holdings: 1990-1991;1993;
Holdings detail: 1,2,5,/90 2,3,4,/91 2/93
Lacunae: LAC.
Call number: Trasporti Seminterrato Tavolo
Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1994-2006. Issues received
Lacunae: 1999;2001;
Call number: Idraulica
Notes: lac.:n.1(1999);nn.5, 6(2001);
Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1986-1996;2000;
Holdings detail: 1-2(1986);3-8(1987);1(1988)-6(1996);4(2000); Issues received
Lacunae: 1996;2000;
Call number: ARCHIVIO
Notes: POSSEDIAMO ANCHE IL SUPPL. AL N. 6 DEL 1996. Fino al 31 dicembre 2017 proprietà della Biblioteca di Architettura "Aldo Rossi"
Last update holding 2024

Via Mazzini, 1 25121 Brescia , tel. 0302978268 , fax. 0302400359
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Holdings: 1996-2002;
Call number: Per.2836
Last update holding 2015

Via Branze, 38 25123 Brescia , tel. 030 3715691/918
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Holdings: 1994-1998;
Call number: Biblioteca di Facoltà
Last update holding 2024

Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato 09042 Monserrato , tel. 070 6754551 , fax. 070 6754278
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Holdings: 1997-2001;
Lacunae: 1999-2000;
Call number: DEP E 6d
Last update holding 2024

Via Is Maglias, 196 09123 Cagliari , tel. 070 6755166 , fax. 070 6755039
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Holdings: 1987;1992-2002;
Holdings detail: Del 1987 si possiede solo il n. 2
Lacunae: 1987;1996;
Call number: DEPOSITO PERIODICI 1133
Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1989-2006.
Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1998-2006.
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1987-2006.
Lacunae: 1995;
Call number: 2485/VII
Last update holding 2021

Biblioteca del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale
Via De Pisis, 24 44121 Ferrara , tel. 0532 203381/206297 , fax. 0532 210508
Holdings: 1987-1998;
Holdings detail: si possiedono i suppl. ai n. 3(1989);5(1989);1,3,4(1990);2,4(1991);6(1996)
Lacunae: 1987;1998;
Call number: PER 3 (in deposito MyLady)
Last update holding 2007

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Holdings: 1994-2006.
Lacunae: 1995;
Last update holding 2024

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Holdings: 1995-2004;
Notes: Fondi: Sede Economia - Solo consultazione
Last update holding 2024

Via XXIV Maggio, 7 04100 Latina , tel. 0773/476606 , fax. 0773/476617
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Holdings: 2002-2006.
Call number: CORR G2
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings: 1986-2006.
Notes: MC011
Last update holding 2024

via U. Gobbi, 5 20136 Milano , tel. ++390258365027 , fax. ++390258365100
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Holdings: 2003-2006.
Last update holding 2024

Via F. Filzi, 22 20124 Milano , tel. 0267482828 , fax. 0267482021
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Holdings: 1987-2006.
Lacunae: 1987;1995;
Call number: PER 36
Notes: Lacune: 1, 3(1987); 1, 6(1995)
Last update holding 2018
Results: 1-25 | 26-50 | 51-52